Practice makes perfect!

Just do it! 

Practice makes perfect, as you already know. In this sample module, you will learn how to get started with recording yourself to get comfortable as well as to sort out what feels best for you.

Download the worksheet in this lesson and practice these sentences, so they become second nature as well as you'll get suggestions in the video as to how to record your clips with just your phone and preferably a selfie stick (arms are usually not long enough)! No need to buy expensive equipment, you can do that later if you wish, but the main goal is to keep it simple as to not overwhelm you!

To make sure you practice, we have set up a Facebook group for the Solopreneur Video Challenge Week for you, with other like-minded individuals, 
to follow along and get inspired!!

“You don't have to be GREAT to get started.
But you have to start to be GREAT!”

My career path

1. Tailor & Image Consultant
I have been creative since I was a little girl. After high school my path lead me to Fashion School and I graduated as a tailor. The technical side of men's clothing appealed to me, as when you can master that, you can make women's clothes of any kind as well. I also added training to be an Image Consultant, to serve my clients better in regards to how they can look their best with specific styles and colours.

2. Usui & Karuna Reiki Master Teacher

After doing this for about 10 years, I moved on to becoming a Reiki Master, as life got very stressful after becoming a single mom, and since it helped me so much on a personal level, I decided to teach others, as well as offer Reiki sessions for people.

3. Web & Graphic Designer

After running this business for 7 years, I felt I needed to do something to keep me more grounded in the world, and followed the next path of what I was interested in and that was designing websites. Since fashion, Reiki and websites all use colour, Colour Infusion was born in 2009.

I studied at SAIT through Continuing Education to learn coding and the creative Adobe programs. I added Graphic Design as those go hand in hand. The business grew into a one-stop marketing company over the span of 10+ years.

Photography and video production followed suit, in order to provide my clients with more services. I get bored easy, can you tell? ;)

Now, after 30 years of being a solopreneur, I am hoping to share the best of all my experiences with you, since COVID-19 changed a lot of things including public speaking in front of large groups - but hopefully not forever. The good news is, we can use video to our advantage! It's a great alternative to public speaking and it is actually a lot less scary! You can create a video and show it to as many people as possible, even while you sleep!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, get excited about what you can do with video!

4. Here is where it all comes together!

In the course "Video for the Camera Shy & Solopreneur" I am combining all my knowledge. I will teach you how to record yourself, help you choose what to wear, do focused mindfulness work with you to overcome your camera shyness or tap into your inner "toastmaster" and come up with a final video you can use right away.

Enjoy the "Practice makes perfect" module as a gift from me, to get a taste of the full course.